As America Has Done to Israel, America’s Fatal Mistake DVD series & I Could Take His Punch
As America Has Done to Israel
America’s Fatal Mistake 3 DVD series
I Could Take His Punch
As America Has Done to Israel
Is America on a collision course with God?
There is a direct correlation between the alarming number of massive disasters striking America and her leaders pressuring Israel to surrender her land for peace.
Costing hundreds of lives and causing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of damage, dozens of disasters, including devastating earthquakes, raging fires, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and tornadoes, have hit America – and always within twenty four hours of putting pressure on Israel.
What can you do as an individual – and what can America do – to change the direction of our country in relation to Israel to prevent an increasing number of calamities?
America’s Fatal Mistake – 3 DVD Teaching Series
In this powerful 3 DVD series, John reveals how the blessings and curses America has endured are in direct correlation with how we treat Israel.
Part 1.
In this DVD, John brings American history alive as, starting from George Washington, he shows how involved the Jewish people were in America. You will be amazed to see the Jewish involvement in the Revolution and Civil War, and how God used America to help bring about His prophetic plan for Israel.
Part 2.
This DVD covers the correlation between pressuring Israel to divide the land and the corresponding disaster hitting America. John shows his documentation for the events and you can see the correlations with your own eyes. Many of the events are together as front page headlines.
Part 3.
In this DVD, John uses maps to show the modern names for the countries mentioned in Bible prophecy that are destroyed in war with Israel. These maps bring the Bible alive for the hour we live.
I Could Take His Punch
This book captures the legend of Joe McTernan. He was a legendary figure to his family and all that knew him. When reading this book, you will be amazed, astonished, and laughing about his adventures and exploits. He almost seems like a character out of a novel, but all his exploits are true. He possessed incredible strength, an unbelievable appetite, along with an indomitable will. He could defeat professionally trained fighters and walk up to wild deer and touch them! He was an expert with horses and a marksman with a rifle. He overcame accidents and sicknesses that few, if any, people could overcome and yet lived to be 95!
His encounter with Jesus Christ, at the very end of his life, was a true miracle by all who witnessed it. He was supposed to die, but instead came out of a catatonic state praising Jesus as his Savior. He could not breathe, yet with supernatural power, was proclaiming Jesus. He was a beacon of God’s love to all that came close to him.
I Can Take His Punch is uniquely inspirational and a most enjoyable read. It is a book that you cannot put down, and a story you will never forget.
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